My Guru

- Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha
- Gurur Sakshat Para Brahma Tasmay Sri Gurave Namaha
- I was a kid in this world, wandering aimlessly through the streets of life ignorant of the Truth.
- Lord Ganesh bestowed strength of mind that changed my life.
- I did not realize that my ego also got strengthened along with success.
- Gradually, I got possessed by my ego, forgetting the truth about the Doer
- From that moment onwards, my actions were tainted by ego and the real Self went to the background.
- Ego along with past samskaras pushed me in the wrong direction. I hankered after sense pleasures which brought nothing but sorrow.
- Funny it looked, since I started to feel comfortable in sorrow until one day the pain was unbearable.
- By divine mercy, I cried in pain saying “LORD, This is enough. I know I am pure. Please forgive me and make me live a Human Life”
- From that moment, the divine Lord pardoned me and pointed me to the teachings of the Great Sages.
- I read, read, read till there were no books left…gradually understanding that there is a way out of the misery.
- Lord Ramana’s enquiry seemed to be the most suitable of practices for me and Arunachala became my home.
- I practiced Self Enquiry and my understanding became clearer and clearer.
- I did not need a Physical Guru at that time since Guru Ramana was always guiding me even when he left his form.
- I did not have the interest to be with a living Guru as Bhagavan Ramana was living in my heart and guiding me.
- When my dear friend spoke about a great Swamiji I was not too inclined to meet him first.
- Until, one day, life took me to him. I spoke to the Swamiji over phone and prayed to him to save my wife’s father who was on his death bed.
- I was attracted instantly to him by the great compassion in his voice, which gave me the mental strength to withstand the emotional crisis I was going through.
- Though we were miles apart at that time, I was able to feel his presence.
- Though my father-in-law could not be saved, I was sure Swamiji guided him through a peaceful departure.
- Months later, I had my first opportunity to meet the Swamiji in person.
- It was on December 25th 2009 (Christmas Day), I met the Holy Master in his room. He looked like Jesus to me. He gave me the privilege to travel with him to the Holiest of places.
- Fortunate was I to travel to these Holy Places. Many miracles happened all through the journey.
- Swamiji took me to Ramanashramam in Arunachala, to my home. I stood beside Swamiji when he knelt in front of Ramana. It was a beautiful sight.
- Together we walked on the holy mountain of Arunachala and visited the great Arunachaleshwara temple.
- There under a Banyan tree, Swamiji touched my head. I thought it was a blessing.
- Again, he touched me at the Bhatala Lingam in the temple as well as at the Virupaksha Cave on the hill.
- Least did I know at that time that he was going to take the complete responsibility of my soul.
- Many months later, after Swamiji left to a distant land, one day I was too depressed and the mental anguish was unbearable.
- I got a surprise call from Swamiji that day when I had completely lost my peace, and he asked me how I was doing. The very thought that someone who is so far away in a distant land could instantly sense the pain of his devotee brought great faith in Swamiji.
- That was the moment when Swamiji became my Guruji.
- Since then, I was able to feel the Master in every instant of my life. His presence and involvement in my life was not very visible in the beginning, but it gradually became visible to me.
- Guruji intensified my practice and he also pulled me out of my long standing mental addiction. He is holding my hands along with the hands of his innumerable devotees around the world and is taking us towards salvation.
- I have read about many holy sages in books. But this is the first time I am witnessing a Holy Sage who is a living embodiment of the Truth that the Vedas extol. He is our Guruji.
- Salutations to the Holy Feet of my Gurudeva
- Salutations to my Guru who is Brahman
- Salutations to my Guru whose love surpasses all other love
- Salutations to my Guru who is my Mother and Father
- Salutations to my Guru who is the only reality
- Salutations to my Guru whose words are the Vedas
- Salutations to my Guru who has come to remove the ignorance of his devotees
- Salutations to my Guru who has come to carry his children to the ONE reality
- Dear Mother, Thank you for giving us our Guruji to elevate our souls and reach the Truth.
- Dear Gurudeva, On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima, we pray to Mother Divine to give you good health and physical strength to carry out your life’s mission.
Written on the Guru Purnima day – July 12th, 2011